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Chúng tôi là nhà phân phối chính thức các sản phẩm của Samyang motor tại thị trường Việt Nam.
Quý khách có nhu cầu về các sản phẩm của Samyang motor liên hệ trực tiếp với chúng tôi để được tư vấn nhanh hơn.
Hotline: 0974190088
Compared to the helical gear unit-worm gear unit combination, this gives high efficiency, economy, high ratio and low noise, and is installed in a small space.
Main Features | |
high efficiencyCompared to the previous 2 stage type worm reduction gear, this has more than 1.5 times better efficiency. High StiffnessAs the reduction gear case has all gears in-built in the body, the structural stiffness is high and so compact installation is possible. ConvenienceAs the motor input shaft is located at the center of the reduction gear, it is easy for users to choose and design installation. |
Product Types | |
Solid Shaft TypeAs the output shaft is an ordinary cylindrical type shaft with a KEY seat, this can be used by COUPLING or PULLEY installation. Hollow Shaft TypeThe output shaft is hollow type. COUPLING can be directly connected to the driven shaft without any PULLEY. Motor Attached TypeThis can be bought with the motor installed at the time of release. |
Product Specification | |
Model No. |
HW20, HW25, HW30, HW35, HW45, HW60, HW70 |
Power | 0.2KW~7.5KW |
Reduction gear ratio | 1/10~1/180 |
Type | Horizontal Type, Vertical Type |
Model Số: HW20, HW25, HW30, HW35, HW45, HW60, HW70
Công suất 0.2KW ~ 7.5KW
Tỷ lệ giảm tốc độ 1/10 ~ 1/180
Loại Loại ngang, Loại Dọc
Một số model bán chạy năm 2017
Geared motors:
MG88, MG 105, MG 105C, MG 135, MG153, MG153105, MG172, MG172105, MG181, MG181135, MG181153, MG205, MG205153, MG235, MG270, MG270172
Công suất bao gồm: 1/4Hp, 1/2HP, 1HP, 2HP, 3HP, 5HP, 7.5HP, 10HP, 15HP và 20HP
Tỷ số truyền bao gồm: 1:5, 1:5.5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:7.5, 1:8, 9,10,15,20,23, 25,30,35,40,45,50,60,70,75,80,90,100,120,130,150,180,200, 240, 250,280,160,300,350, 360, 400, 450,500,600,720,800,900,1000,1200
Dạng lắp: mặt bích, chân đế
Super Max Geared Motor
Model số: (# 165 ~ # 520) SM2165, SM2200, SM2225, SM2255, SM2300, SM2350, SM2420, SM2480, SM2520, SM3165, SM3200, SM3225, SM3255, SM3300, SM3350, SM3420, SM3480, SM3520
SM2165HT, SM3165HT, SM3200HT, SM2200HT, SM2165LP, SM3165LP, SM3200LP, SM2200HT, SM3225HT, SM2225HT, SM2200LP, SM3225LP, SM2225LP, SM2255LP, SM3255LP, SM3255HT,SM2255HT, SM3300HT, SM2300HT, SM2255LP, SM3255LP, SM3300LP, SM2300LP, SM2300HT, SM3300HT, SM3350HT, SM2350HT, SM3300LP, SM3350LP, SM2300LP, SM2350LP, SM3420HT, SM2480HT, SM3480HT, SM2520HT, SM3520HT, SM3420LP, SM2165VT, SM3165VT, SM320VT, SM2200VT, SM3225VT, SM2225VT, SM3255VT, SM2255VT, SM3300VT, SM2300VT, SM3350VT, SM2350VT,
Công suất 1.5kW ~ 75Kw
Tỷ số truyền 1/5 ~ 1/150
Max21 Worm Reducer
WU-50, WB-50, WV-50, WU-60, WB-60, WV-60, WU-70, WB-70, WV-70, WU-80, WB-80, WV-80, WU-100, WB-100, WV-100, WU-120, WB-120, WV-120, WU-135, WB-135, WV-135, WU-155, WB-155, WV-155, WU-175, WB-175, WV-175, WB-200, WV-200, WB-225, WV-225, WB-250, WV-250, WB-300, WV-300, WB-350, WV-350, WB-400, WV-400, WB-450, WV-450, WB-500, WV-500,
WU50, WB50, WV50, WU60, WB60, WV60, WU70, WB70, WV70, WU80, WB80, WV80, WU100, WB100, WV100, WU120, WB120, WV120, WU135, WB135, WV135, WU155, WB155, WV155, WU175, WB175, WV175, WB200, WV200, WB225, WV225, WB250, WV250, WB300, WV300, WB350, WV350, WB400, WV400, WB450, WV450, WB500, WV500,
WUM-50, WBM-50, WVM-50, WUM-60, WBM-60, WVM-60, WUM-70, WBM-70, WVM-70, WUM-80, WBM-80, WVM-80, WUM-100, WBM-100, WVM-100, WUM-120, WBM-120, WVM-120, WUM-135, WBM-135, WVM-135, WUM-155, WBM-155, WVM-155, DWB-60, DWV-60, DWB-70, DWV-70, DWB-80, DWV-80, DWB-100, DWV-100, DWB-120, DWV-120, DWB-135, DWV-135, DWB-155, DWV-155, DWB-175, DWV-175, DWB-200, DWV-200, DWB-225, DWV-225, DWB-250, DWV-250, DWB-300, DWV-300, DWBM-70, DWVM-70, DWBM-80, DWVM-80, DWBM-100, DWVM-100, DWBM-120, DWVM-120, DWBM-135, DWVM-135, DWBM-155, DWVM-155, DWBM-175, DWVM-175, DWBM-200, DWVM-200, DWBM-225, DWVM-225,
WUM50, WBM50, WVM50, WUM60, WBM60, WVM60, WUM70, WBM70, WVM70, WUM80, WBM80, WVM80, WUM100, WBM100, WVM100, WUM120, WBM120, WVM120, WUM135, WBM135, WVM135, WUM155, WBM155, WVM155, DWB60, DWV60, DWB70, DWV70, DWB80, DWV80, DWB100, DWV100, DWB120, DWV120, DWB135, DWV135, DWB155, DWV155, DWB175, DWV175, DWB200, DWV200, DWB225, DWV225, DWB250, DWV250, DWB300, DWV300, DWBM70, DWVM70, DWBM80, DWVM80, DWBM100, DWVM100, DWBM120, DWVM120, DWBM135, DWVM135, DWBM155, DWVM155, DWBM175, DWVM175, DWBM200, DWVM200, DWBM225, DWVM225,
SR008, SR096, SR120, SR125, SR140, SR155, SR175
STD WORM (Standard Worm Reducer)
SW33, SW49, SW60, SW77, SW88, SW96, SW120, SW125, SW140
Stage Worm Reducer
SR088, SR096, SR120, SR125, SR140, SR155, SR175
Mighty Worm Reducer
MTW25, MTW30, MTW40, MTW50, MTW63, MTW75, MTW100, MTW120, MTW135, MTW155
Century Worm Reducer
CTW25, CTW30, CTW40, CTW50, CTW63, CTW75, CTW90, CTW105, CTW110, CTW130, CTW150
Helical Worm Gear Reducer
HW20, HW25, HW30, HW35, HW45, HW60, HW70